At this time, the Clinic is closed to walk-in service.
Please call the Office at (509) 529-1481.
Due to several factors associated with the COVID Pandemic, normal Clinic hours have been suspended at this time.
We will update this page when that changes.
SOS Health Services of Walla Walla is an immediate care facility that provides quality walk-in healthcare services to individuals without health insurance (or without adequate health insurance) in the Walla Walla Valley. SOS Health Services does not deny people access to services regardless of citizenship status or geographic location. Learn more about us, HERE.

For every $35 you give, we can provide compassionate medical care to one more member of our community.
All donations are tax deductible.
Thank you for your support!
•Donate online!
One Time or Reoccurring Gift
•Write a check, payable to “SOS Health Services” and mail it to:
1200 SE 12th Street, Suite 4, College Place, WA 99324

Community Partners
Learn more about how Vital Wines, a local Walla Walla winery, is helping their community in extraordinary ways.